Susan Lim was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She moved to the United States for college and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Film Scoring at Berklee College of Music. The entertainment industry was not a good fit, she then ventured into an online clothing business, her first love, and it lasted for 15 years. A devastating miscarriage in 2018 led her to taking art classes to alleviate her sorrow. She has been obsessed with everything art ever since and thinks that art saved her from that deep dark place.The pandemic lockdown in the year 2020 helped jump start her art career when she offered to paint portraits for a donation to Feeding America on Instagram. She painted 9 portraits of people and pets for that campaign. Her painting “Lean On Me” was a finalist in the animal portrait category at the Portrait Society of America’s members only competition in 2021.
Her favorite subjects are people, as there are so many stories untold within our faces. She has been creating conceptual and figurative art. She completed an underwater and floral series and is in the middle of creating another series with flowers and beauty. She believes that the world needs more beautiful art as we all strive to make it a better place.
What's the purpose or goal of your work?
The goal of my work is to make people happy and inspired. I have a painting of a girl pouting when 3 hummingbirds were messing with her and her crown. It was in an exhibition in Laguna Beach for 2 months. When I see people walk away with a big smile, I know my work is complete. I want my work to also evoke emotion and take their breath away. Ideally, art lovers who viewed my work, should walk feeling happier or more inspired than they were before entering the room. That to me is success.
How has your style changed over time?
I used to paint with very precise and tight brush strokes. My paintings looked like photographs with a hyper realistic style. Over time, I realized that the characteristic that sets a painting apart from photography is its textures, unique brush strokes and painterly quality. It should also have 3 dimensional quality to it as if you can almost touch the subjects and that it’s not flat. Moving away from painting hyper realistic art, I now prefer to paint with looser brush work with softer edges.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of professional art?
My favorite part of professional art is that it allows me to create work that is uniquely me, with subjects I love and am inspired to paint. I’m in love with the process of coming up with something conceptually, and then to complete the process by making my vision a reality with props and models. Every step is a joy to me, be it the planning stage, the photo shoot, everything in between and the finished painting. I’m simply obsessed with art and its creation. My least favorite part of professional art is the business side of things. Every artist might agree with me on this. We are creators, not business people. Plus, I’m also the worst at marketing myself and getting myself out there. It takes just as much time managing the day to day non art side of the business as it is to paint. Sometimes we spend more time on business than painting itself! Tasks like managing my website, sending newsletters, accounting, taxes, shipping and the constant struggle with sourcing the cheapest possible top notch supplies and materials for my work in this economy, can be a challenge to balance. These things take me away from painting, which I much rather do.
Do you have a network of other artists, and how do they support you?
It’s so important to be surrounded by supportive and positive artist friends. Because being an artist could mean having the constant self doubt and insecurity within us. The ups and downs of not making ends meet or the frustration of a failed painting. These friends could provide views from a different angle and perhaps ways for us to solve problems. A network of supportive artist friends means people to commensurate with as they understand what it is like to be an artist. Many people think art is a glamorous job and that it’s easy and only artists will understand what we as artists go through mentally and physically. Lastly, you need one or two trusted artist confidants/advisors. When we are frustrated with our paintings, these are people I trust for their artistic eyes to point out things that I may have missed when I’m stuck with a painting. You might have advisors who are not artists but still have great eye for art, though for me, my advisors are my closest friends at the same level I’m at.
How do you manage a work-life balance as an artist?
I try to find the balance with work, self care and time with my family and friends. It’s so easy to forget to take care of ourselves when we are completely immersed in art. I have to remind myself to have my meals on time and take breaks in between painting and work, to stretch and hydrate. I also make it a point to take time off on the weekend to spend time with my husband and friends. Lastly, it is important to be active and keep myself healthy physically, and to have enough sleep and rest everyday. It’s not always possible since we get into so many things in life, but I always try my best to adhere to a balanced lifestyle and schedule. I’m still learning to say no to things.
Describe your ideal working environment.
My ideal working environment would be neat and tidy with lots of storage space and stations for every task I need to complete on a day to day basis. I will have a large north facing studio with floor length windows or skylights, getting the most constant source of lighting. I also dream of a decent size space for photo shoots and have it double as an area to teach small groups of students. At the moment, I’m making it work with a small space I have, but one can only dream and hopefully make it a reality someday.
How has your education helped you in your career?
I was classically trained and took weekly classes on and off for a year. Then, I attended workshops with artists I love and admire, learning how to paint alla prima (wet on wet). There are so many ways to start and finish a painting. During this time, I have tried painting many different subjects from different artists. You name it, I tried it, be it master copies, still life, painting people, animals, landscapes… Having tried everything helped me discover what I love painting the most, people. And having the foundation on how to create an archival painting has helped me create work that will last many lifetimes. There was a point in time, I was copying my teachers as closely as possible, painting the way they do. But over time, I was able to move away from copying and build my own style of painting. It’s important for me to not lose my voice as an artist but to apply everything good into my practice in the studio and on set. It is so easy to become the “mini me” of these artists. I learnt to not lose myself in the process. If it doesn’t feel comfortable, it’s not me, don’t do it.
What was your first experience of working as a professional artist?
It was during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. I felt the pull and needed to do something to help. I painted 9 portrait commissions for a donation to Feeding America. It was a great experience and it jump started my professional art career.
Tell me about a time you received negative comments or harsh criticism. How did you handle it?
There was a time when a viewer of my Mother Teresa’s painting commented that she does not have enough wrinkles on her face. I just laughed it off replying that Mother Teresa was not always old and wrinkly. She was once young and vibrant but always charitable and loving. I have yet to feel offended when people give me criticism. You can’t please everyone.
Describe a piece of art you are most proud of. Why?
I am most proud of my work “Reality”. It is the largest painting I have ever painted. It was a little nerve wracking to create such a large piece of work. Everything is larger than life, the frame, the panel and the brushes I used to paint it. With a total measurement of 47” x 76” frame included, I had to rent a van to transport it from my studio to the Laguna Beach’s Art-A-Fair exhibition. It was also the largest painting ever exhibited there and was everyone’s favorite. It is also in the finals of the Richeson 75 Figurative Competition and a semi finalist of the Art Renewal Center. Since Art Renewal Center partnered with the Lunar Codex, an image of this painting will be launched through a Nasa mission CLPS-TO-20A, via the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket and the Astrobotic Griffin lunar lander, headed for the lunar south pole in September 2025. To say that I am proud is truly an understatement!