Sheryl Boivin | 2022 Year in Review

Sheryl Boivin is a contemporary realist artist who works in a variety of mediums and subject matters whose focus is mainly on figurative and portraiture art.

Was 2022 a good year for you?

2022 Was a very good year in terms of my art and my sales both locally and internationally.

What were some of the highlights in your art career?

One of the most exciting things that happened to me in 2022 was to have two of my pieces included in the Lunar Codex which is going to the moon. This is absolutely mind blowing to me.

What were some of the pitfalls?

In terms of pitfalls I think it is trying to take on too much in terms of commissions and not being able to afford to access some of the courses and workshops that would be helpful to me.

Did your art sell?

I sold a few pieces in the first half of 2022 but starting in about August I would say I'm averaging sales of 3 to 4 paintings a month if not more.

Were you included in any shows?

I was included in the Mujer show, the Summer Pop-Up show and Exertion online. I was also included in 7 shows locally, 4 art shows and 3 Artist and Artisan shows.

Were you published in any art magazines or periodicals?

I have had my work published is Fine Art Connoisseur, and both the Summer Pop-Up and the Mujer catalogues.

How has social media affected your daily practice?

Personally I find with social media it has become almost as much work to promote and show my work as it is to actually produce my work. However it's certainly has helped me in a lot of ways. It has taught me how to promote myself and how to get my name out there. I have had to learn to think outside the box. I have sold three paintings since September because of social media. I do find it sometimes a bit challenging and exhausting to continually to try to come up with new ideas and at times it can almost be a bit anxiety ridden trying to see if people are liking or sharing or even interested in what you're putting out there but by the same token it is a bit of a ego boost when you receive positive comments even if there's only a few. 

What are you looking forward to in 2023? 

For 2023 I'm really looking forward to sitting down and actually taking some of the courses and workshops that I've been wanting to. I have joined a couple more Patron sites and hope to take advantage of the lessons that are offered and I also signed up with the New York Academy of Art and I'm anticipating taking some of their workshops as well online. I also would like to attend at least two Academy of Realist Art (ARA) workshops in Toronto this year. So basically my plan is to hone my skills and learn more about color theory and composition. I also want to learn how to write a newsletter, a proper bio, and how to write an artist statement. I want to enter more competitions and I also want to start planning for a solo show. But first I need to work on developing my art and my skill set.