Was 2022 a good year for you?
I can’t say it was a remarkable year as nothing spectacular comes to mind.
What were the Highlights?
I managed to landscape Plein-air on my holiday at a North German estate. The Highlight was the fascination of my senses, the smells, sights and sounds which brought back fond memories.
What was the craziest thing that happened to you this year?
The craziest thing was Ghosts of women from my past began appearing in summer landscapes. They appeared in the paintings once I got back to my atelier. Ordinary landscapes became a statement.
What were some of the highlights?
The other highlight was the reality I had to take a course to learn by doing I Joined ArtNXTlevel. TUTORIALS!!
What were some of the pitfalls?
The pitfall was not understanding social media This has not helped me as it became a big source of frustration.
What are you looking forward to in 2023?
I look forward to the next year 2023 for it might be the year I make significant progress in my career.