Was 2022 a good year for you? What were some of the highlights of your art career?
2022 has been a very good year for me artistically and I feel that I have achieved a different level in my practice. I was awarded a fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. My work was featured in numerous exhibitions over this past year, including the New Jersey Arts Annual and the Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts and Sciences exhibition, titled “Unmasked: Contemporary Portraiture,” where I was awarded an honorable mention by Jessica T. Smith, assistant curator of American painting at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Other exhibitions this year include the 14C ArtFair Showcase in Jersey City, where three of my still life paintings were featured. In terms of publications, my work was included in the August issue of Fine Art Connoisseur, as well as the Poets and Artists publication “Mujer” during women’s history month in March 2022. I sold several paintings this year, mostly through Poets and Artists, which is such an excellent way to be connected to the Artsy platform.
What are you looking forward to in 2023?
Next year is going to be exciting, but also a bit challenging, as I am developing a three-dimensional installation which will inform and support new two-dimensional works also in progress. The piece is decidedly in a more outwardly feminist theme, which is another conceptual goal that I am working towards.